ABOUT the area
Cioclovina a hamlet from Bosorod village, Hunedara county, part of the Gradistea Muncelului-Ciocloina National Park, it's a fairytale place, where we invite you to feel the Carpathian emotion.
Here, an old peasant house and the surrounding buildings, renovated by scouts, known as the Coclovina Scout Center, now receive tourists from all over the world to enjoy a 100% authentic experience.
With Cioclovina as a starting point, your journey can be composed of the most diverse activities, depending on your experience, preferences and available time: trekking, hiking, caving, climbing, zipper lining, rappelling, beekeeping or mountain biking.
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you can do
- HIKE to Fundatura Ponorului
HIKE to see historical relics
There are several historical vestiges in the Cioclovina area. Proof are the ruins of the Dacian fortresses, the Roman stone road that can still be seen today and last but not least the treasures discovered in the area, including the gold bracelets.
We invite you to go on a journey through the Dacian and Roman times, stepping on the Roman stone road.
- Experience BEEKEEPING
- HIKE to the Red Forteress
Șureanu, Southern Carpathians
Cioclovina Scout Center, Boșorod, Hunedoara
from 563 m
Hiking Level | |